Development-Design Conference Presentation in Toronto

Afield co-directors Kai Wood Mah and Patrick Lynn Rivers presented a paper in Toronto today at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development (CASID). Titled “Aligning Development Studies with Design,” the paper was used to suggest how development studies as academic area of study might be placed in conversation with design practice. The paper was further used to highlight how, through research-creation as approach, international development might be advanced by forging new interdisciplinary paths to synch theory and practice. The paper was a part of a panel on “International Policy and Neoliberalism.”

The paper was consistent with a new initiative between CASID and the Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC). Specifically, with funding from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), CASID and CCIC are engaged in a joint project exploring scholar-practitioner collaboration in international development. As stated in a release on the project: “The program has the ambition to position Canada as a leader in innovative multi-stakeholder approaches to global development research, practice and policy development, creating conditions for enhanced and sustained collaboration between civil society and academia.”

CASID’s annual meeting in Toronto was held in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences which brought together multiple Canadian disciplinary and interdisciplinary academic associations.